24hour Gameathon 2023

A monumental team effort!

Some of our intrepid (and very tired) team celebrate completing 24 hours of gaming, complete with SpecialEffect banner and t-shirts!
Some of our intrepid (and very tired) team celebrate completing 24 hours of gaming

Following up on the success of our 2021 24 Hour Remote Gameathon, raising money for Mermaids UK, Roll7 have run another successful 24 hours of non-stop gaming - this time in-person at the T2 Office! 

With a little help from our pals at T2, we played a full day of games and raised a whopping £5,548 for our charity of the year - SpecialEffect.

Who are SpecialEffect? In their own words: “We’re transforming the lives of people with physical challenges right across the world through the innovative use of technology.

At the core of this mission is our work to optimise inclusion, enjoyment and quality of life by helping people control video games to the best of their abilities for as long as they need us… This mission of inclusion extends beyond gaming, whether that’s by using eye-gaze technology to bring communication, independence and hope for people in intensive care units with a severe injury or illness, or by using telepresent robots to reconnect medically isolated children with their education and friends.”

"...transforming the lives of people with physical challenges"

Some of the team play D&D
That’s me at 9pm running Dungeons and Dragons...
More D&D playing
...and then me at 1am playing Dungeons and Dragons

An intrepid crew stayed all through the night, sustained by popcorn, cup noodles, movies… and some seriously competitive late-night rounds of Pass the Pigs. Throughout the 24 hours, many of us came into the office to play in person, and a few folks zoomed in - watching Paula play Florence via the big screen at 8am definitely led to a few teary (very sleep-deprived) eyes. We also played some multiplayer games including Mariokart, Jackbox, and even a few card games!

Tech Director, Andrew, plays Beat Saber VR on Zoom
Tech Director, Andrew, plays a full hour of Beat Saber VR on Zoom (how?!)
UI Artist Paula playing the bittersweet and very lovely ‘Florence’
UI Artist, Paula, playing the bittersweet and very lovely ‘Florence’

At the end of the 24 hours we headed home very tired but very pleased to have been able to raise such an amazing sum for a cause near and dear to our hearts. We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Roll7, T2, and to family, friends, and followers who made donations - it really does make such a big difference!

"...some seriously competitive late-night rounds of Pass the Pigs."

Sibella tries out a racing game chair
There are two types of gaming chair. High tech...
Zaamin games on a beanbag
...and low tech. Both comfy though!
The in-office crew played a huge range of games, sustained by tasty treats and lots of laughs along the way!